Get Office 2021 for FREE without a Product Key |
Views: 2,866 | Date: April 30, 2024 | Category: Microsoft Office 2016, 2019, 2021 Activators
New Microsoft Office 2021 is the old and good desktop implementations of tools you can use for office work to make yourself more productive. The latest versions of Office Professional Plus 2021 package contain: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, Outlook, Visio, Projects, SharePoint, OneNote, Microsoft Teams, all of which are essential tools in today’s business life.
Also new more smoothed interface will be available in 2021 version. Unfortunately, some features from online office 365 also will be available in limited capabilities, such as the use of artificial intelligence and the cloud, But! You can use all of these products offline and for free after activation of office 2021.
Here are the main new features of Office 2021:
- Co-author documents for word, excel and power point;
- Visual refresh makes UI lighter and improves UX;
- New perfect color picker with custom chose;
- Find what you need with new Microsoft Search;
- Look match easier in stock media;
- XLOOKUP Function – Helps you find items by rows in a table or range in an Excel worksheet;
- Support for dynamic arrays – new functions in Excel: FILTER, SORT, SORTPO, UNIQ, SEQUENCE and SLMASSIVE;
- Improved slideshow recording – This PowerPoint feature now includes presenter video, handwriting, and laser pointer recording;
- Translator and Handwriting – You can annotate emails in Outlook, add annotations to images in emails, and translate emails into over 70 languages;
- Outlook Quick Search – Search results are now displayed very quickly, with many ways to refine and filter the results;
- OpenDocument Format (ODF) 1.3 Support;
- Renewed Draw tab – you can quickly change the color of all the ink tools in one place, added a dot eraser, ruler and freehand selection;
- Great Performance improvements. mistake: this is a versatile toolbox and no office should be without it.
How to Activate Microsoft Office 2021 without any software ?
When you run Office – you get message to enter your product key to activate your copy of Office? And without activation you Office 2021 works in read only mode?
So, if you want to get full functional of 2021 Office – YOU NEED TO activate your Office!
This method doesn’t require any specific software it use KMS servers. However, you should temporary disable Windows Defender or antivirus if it perceives your file on download or run as a threat. So to activate office you simply need to create or download .bat file from this site with automated script and run it as in instruction below – and that’s all.
After this activation method new Office 2021 will give you access to all its functionality, without any restrictions. Your version will get last updates and patches as normal.
You can activate any products of Office 2021 package:
- Office Professional Plus 2021;
- Office Standard 2021;
- Project Professional 2021;
- Project Standard 2021;
- Visio Professional 2021;
- Visio Standard 2021;
After this activation method new Office 2021 will give you access to all its functionality, without any restrictions. Your version will get last updates and patches as normal.
Here is instruction how to quick Activate Microsoft Office 2021 without any Software or Product Key
Most of users don’t believe to software, called a activator, they don’t want to buy product key. They search in Internet some another way to activate Office 2021 for free, without paying any money or viruses and find this way – activate using batch file. It is free and safe, activation goes trought KMS servers and user can see the code and what this code does.
- Temporarily turn off antivirus and Windows Defender (Click here to get info about how to turn off Windows Defender, if you need it).
- Download the archive with working Activator in it.
- Unzip the archive with Activator – “”.
- Run file activate “office 2021.bat” as an administrator.
Video tutorial:
Screenshot of activated Microsoft Office 2021 with using our instruction:
Alternative instruction
You can create your own cmd code in notepad and save it as bath file, if you don’t want to launch our bat file. Anyway, won’t be any difference.
- Temporarily turn off antivirus and Windows Defender (Click here to get info about how to turn off Windows Defender, if you need it).
- Download the file, open it. Run executable file and you will download the archive with working Activator in it.
- Unzip the archive with Activator – “”.
- Open “office 2021.txt”.
- Press File -> SaveAs and save file with name “office 2021.bat”.
- Run “office2021.bat” as an administrator.
- Get message of success activation.
F.A.Q. – Extra Information:
⭐ For what need to disable antivirus and windows defender?
These programs block downloading and running activation script, because they do not want to let you to have activation for free. So, you have to disable them.
⭐ What to do if activation doesn’t work?
Sometimes we check this script for relevance, so it should work. But if it happened that the script does not activate your Office 2021, try to activate using this activator. If you want to buy very Cheap Key from G2A site – go buy it there.
⭐ How does this work?
Using the KMS key, activates MS Office 2021 through the KMS server. The KMS license of Office 2021 is valid for 180 days only but it can be renewed automatically so you needn’t worry so much about the period. The code for bath file has tasken from this site.