Download DriverPack Solution for Windows

Views: 12,299 | Date: February 8, 2023 | Category:

driverpack solution new version

DriverPack Solution – is a popular program for drivers automatically installation. It contains a huge amount of new features and optimized for all platforms (x86-x64), and significantly simplifies the process of Windows reinstallation on almost any computer. You will now be spared from problems with search and installation of drivers, reducing them to a few clicks! Unlike built-in Windows 7 driver updates function this program can be used even without the Internet, and for search/install drivers on devices from not only popular Venders (as in case of Windows Update).

Key features of the program DriverPack Solution:

  • DriverPack Solution automatically performs recognition of equipment, matches the found devices and drivers available in database;
  • Provides ability to install/reinstall/upgrade of drivers;
  • Provided means of search for missing in the database drivers via internet, using service DevID;
  • Maintaining database of drivers up to date by regular updates;
  • Monitoring and diagnostics for the basic elements of computer hardware (CPU, hard drives, RAM);
  • Monitoring the activity of anti-virus and the relevance of its signature;
  • Ability to integrate in drivers database alternative driver packs;
  • The program provides a number of functional features based on needs and users competence. In DriverPack Solution provided “expert” mode of the program, which determines the behavior of the program and interaction with user.
  • Additional features include an integrated management the ability to install additional software (browsers, codecs, etc.).

The program is suitable for all models of computers.
It includes free drivers for laptops: Asus, Acer, Sony, Samsung, HP, Lenovo, Toshiba, Fujitsu-Siemens, DELL, eMachines, MSI.
It will help download free drivers for: motherboard, sound card (audio), Video Card, Network Card, Wi-Fi, chipset, controller, Bluetooth, modems, Web-camera, card reader, CPU, input devices, monitor, Printers, scanners, USB, and other.
Download drivers free from the manufacturers: Ati (Radeon), Nvidia (GeForce), Realtek, Intel, AMD, Atheros, Via.


  • Download DriverPack Solution file, unzip the file (Password for archive – windows). 
  • Install and open.
  • Analyze the system and install the necessary drivers.

Screenshot of working program – Driver Pack Solution Online: